Fat, Calories, Nutrition and Weight Loss After 40

Fat calories Nutrition and weight loss heading


Have you ever learnt so much about something that your very motivation to do it got buried under a tone of information?

This happens all the time with weight loss, especially when you add in the extra challenges faced by those of us over 40 years of age.

So let’s break weight loss down into its simplest forms so that we can cut some of the information ‘fat’ away and not be so overwhelmed by it.

FAT – The Storage

Do you know where your fat goes when you lose weight?

Your body creates fat because it is an easy, efficient way of storing a lot of energy.

Fat is made up of the following chemical compounds.

  • Carbon
  • Hydrogen
  • Oxygen

C55 H104 O6

When you eat, the food gets digested and the energy held within the food is absorbed into the body.

Any energy that is not used will be stored in fat cells ready to be used later.

When the stored energy is needed, the fat is metabolised and the energy re-released into you body. 

The fat gets broken down into

Co2 and H2o 

That’s right Carbon dioxide and water!

In fact if you lost 10kgs of fat it would, amazingly enough, turn into 

8.4Kgs of Co2

1.6Kgs of H2o 

So that is all you need to know about fat. 

Light Bulb idea sketch

Just a brief note on fat – you will lose your fat stores in the opposite order that you gained them. For example, if you put weight on your thighs first then your thighs will be the last to lose the fat. 

CALORIES – The Energy

Calories are what your body uses to power everything you do. 

One calorie is the amount of energy it takes to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius or 4.186 joules.

If you eat 3000 calories today but only use 2000 calories, then your body will store the majority of the remaining 1000 calories in fat cells.

If you eat 2000 calories and use 2000 calories, then your body has no need to create any fat.

This is an over simplification of how your body works but it is really all you need to know about calories.

Light Bulb idea sketch

A quick Google search will give you some calorie estimate calculators or speak to your health professional to find out how many calories you need per day.

NUTRITION – The Quality

Counting calories might lose you some fat but if you don’t consider the source of the calories then you will end up with a very sick skinny body.

Live, water rich foods and drinks need to make up 70% of your daily intake.

If you read the food label and you can’t pronounce or don’t know what all of the ingredients are then don’t buy it.

A lot of food companies don’t care what they feed you and history has proven that relying on Governments to save us through regulations is not 100% effective.

Think before you make your next family meal.

Your body may be able to handle one toxic meal but how is it supposed to cope with that sort of punishment every day? 

WEIGHT LOSS – It’s Personal 

Understand that there are a million things that can affect your weight loss.

  • Habits
  • Body type
  • Age
  • Environment
  • Self-image
  • Health
  • Stress

But there is only one thing that will work for everyone. Only one thing that will give you the determination and patients to see it through.

That is your reason WHY.

The fact of the matter is that it takes time to lose weight. In most cases it takes anywhere from 1 to 3 years to achieve the body and the health that you want.

Yes you may lose 20Kgs in 12 weeks from that awesome challenge, which is great, but your weight will then fluctuate up and down for a period of time until your self-image and habits permanently change.

You need to give your body and mind time to adjust to the new you.


So far we have learnt that we do not need to burn fat, we burn calories and the quality of our food is paramount.

Assuming that you now have a great reason WHY for yourself let’s look at the HOW.


Step 1

Change one meal for 2 weeks and don’t change any other eating habits. Then, if you feel ready, change another meal and now continue for 2 more weeks with both meals etc.

For example:

graph showing meal plan

Step 2

Find out how many calories you need and start to track your calorie intake. 

You should seek advice, however, as a guide for the average person consuming good quality food try cutting 500 calories off your recommended maintenance level. 

For example, if you should be consuming 2000 calories for healthy maintenance then cut it down to 1500 calories per day.

Step 3

You may also want to look into intermittent fasting. But only consider making that change after you have changed all of your meals and you have the correct calorie consumption.


If you are planning to train yourself at the local gym start training once or twice per week for 30mins per session. 

Intensity is not important at this stage so don’t go too hard or you won’t be able to move the next day which will wreck your momentum.

Just ease into it and have fun.

Do this for 3-4 weeks and then move to 3 times per week.

Now it’s time to increase intensity. You should find that your body is now becoming conditioned to training and the extra intensity won’t leave you sore the next day.

Continue 3 times per week for another month and move to 4 times per week.

Your goal should be training 4-5 days per week to lose fat. It doesn’t all have to be in the gym, a couple of days riding or fast walking/jogging/running is perfect.

If you have the ability to invest in a Personal Trainer then they will guide you through at a more customised rate.

Living healthy is about having the right habits and that takes time.

But if you follow this plan you will reach your goal faster in the long run.

Good luck and let me know how you go.

If you have any questions or would like to come in for a FREE Private Session to see if Better Shape Fitness is the right fit we would love to hear from you. Or contact us for more information on our Online Daily Coaching and mentoring Programs.

Image by happyveganfit from https://pixabay.com