Finding The Right Fitness Challenge

Personal Training and Gym challenges can be an amazing way to reach your goals because they are short, focussed events that usually involve a group of people.

There are some key points you must know to get the most out of your next challenge and avoid being disappointed.

  • Not A Competition – you should be encouraged to ‘run your own race’.
  • Personalised – They should take into account and modify around your current situation.
  • Daily Follow Up – If they can’t be bothered to call you then walk away.
  • No Harsh Diets – A deprivation diet will just lead to the weight going straight back on.
  • Access To A PT – As part of the challenge you should be able to talk to a Personal Trainer.
  • Exercise AND Nutrition – not just one of them.

Follow the link below for a step by step guide on exactly how to set and achieve your goals.